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GEM4D Version available for download

Frans Basson

From Version, GEM4D is using a new version of the graphics engine and a new Camera Orientation Widget. The latest version incorporates useful functionality additions and minor changes to the interface, and the expiry date was extended to 1 January 2024.

New functionality

  • Button "Top toolbar => Summation" with Σ as the icon: * All visible surfaces: Sum all the visible surfaces as a single surface area value. * Visible surfaces per file: Sum all the visible surface areas per file, and present each file surface area separately. * Visible surfaces per object name: Sum all the visible surface areas per object name, and present each object name surface area separately. * Visible surfaces per object: Sum all the visible surface areas per object, and present each object's surface area separately.

  • Button "Ribbon => Settings => Camera settings => Activate widget". When this button is checked, the camera can be moved in 'trackball mode' by grabbing the handles of the camera widget. The camera widget is in the upper right corner of the scene.

  • Select multiple objects in the scene by pressing "Left panel => Bottom menu icons => Far left menu icon", then draw a rubberband rectangular with the mouse in the scene around all objects to select.

  • Add the button "Top toolbar => Tool box 1 => Remove line points in angle range", which removes all vertices along a polyline within a set angle deviation from a straight line. For example, if an angle of 10° is selected, all vertices that form an angle of 170° or more with their adjacent two vertices will be removed.

  • When exporting Markers and Mapping with "Ribbon => Marker/Mapping => Save and export files => File (DXF)", 3D shapes such as "3D_Sphere", "3D_Cylinder" etc. can be saved with a column as the object/layer name. The default column number is the selected "DataColumn", but the number can be changed during the saving process.

  • Check "Ribbon => Marker => General settings => LogScale" to change the legend scaling to a logarithmic scale. Only the legend scaling is affected by this selection at this stage, the histogram and statistics are unaffected.


  • The graded scene background color grading was changed from grey to light blue.

  • The different Camera Orientation Widget is now used, which overcomes some of the limitations of the original widget.

  • The Camera Orientation Widget was always OFF by default, but the default is now ON.

  • The Camera Orientation Widget was always displayed in the bottom-left corner of the scene but is now in the top-right corner.

  • Checking "Ribbon => Image => General settings => Mesh wires" now shows the polygon edges as black lines. Previously, white lines were used, but they were not displayed when the "Ribbon => Scene => Lights and shading => Shading => None" were selected.

Bug fixes

  • Minor behaviors were changed to improve the user experience.

Discussion: Reconciliation presentation

The presentation on underground and open pit reconciliation that was presented at the WAGCG meeting on 19 August 2022 is available from the GEM4D webpage under "Work instructions" and can also be downloaded from here. The presentation contains embedded videos that demonstrate the topics discussed.

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