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GEM4D Version available for download

Frans Basson

Updated: Dec 15, 2019

The main components of the drill hole functionality are eventually completed! This is a milestone for GEM4D, and many future additions and improvements will be married to the drill hole module.

New functionality

  • All aspects of normal drill hole logging are now supported under "Ribbon => Drillhole" - collars, surveys and attributes. See discussion below for a instructions to use the drill hole functionality. Many additions will be added during the year, such as composites and discs from oriented logging.

  • Add a surface reconstruction algorithm "Top toolbar => Blue toolbox icon => Reconstruct closed surface" that is useful to extract surfaces from point clouds of closed surfaces in some scenarios.

  • Draping images vertically down only meshes with "Ribbon => Image => Actions => Drape image". An image can be easily transformed (scaled, rotated and moved) in GEM4D with the "Scale", "Rotate" and "Move" tabs at the bottom right of the interface. The image after transformation can then be saved with "Ribbon => Image => Save => BasRock Image (BRI)" and loaded again with "Ribbon => Image => Load => BasRock Image (BRI)".


  • File formats were changed to ensure DipAngle is consistently required before DipDirection/Azimuth in all cases.

Bug fixes

  • Compass widget "Top toolbar => Compass icon" axes names - fixed.

Drill holes discussion

The remainder of the drill hole functionality will be rolled out as follows:

  • Collars and Surveys - Version

  • Drill hole logging data - Version

  • Composite points - Next.

  • Oriented logging discs - mid-2017.

A few guidelines to follow when constructing drill holes:

  1. Follow the "Ribbon => Drillhole" toolbar from left to right to build drillholes.

  2. Load the collars with "Ribbon => Drillhole => Collars => Load CSV" from a CSV-file with format: "DHid, Easting, Northing, Elevation, MaxDepth". This will load the collars into a grid and show the collars in the scene as points.

  3. Build survey-lines with "Ribbon => Drillhole => Surveys => Create survey" from a previously loaded collar file and a survey file with format: "DHid, Depth, Dip, Azimuth". This will create a survey lines file with format "DHid, Easting1, Northing1, Elevation1, Easting2, Northing2, Elevation2, From, To, Dip, Azimuth", which is saved as a separate file and also loaded into the "Survey" grid. The created survey file can be loaded afterwards with "Ribbon => Drillhole => Surveys => Load survey" without requiring a collars file.

  4. Build geotech attributes lines with "Ribbon => Drillhole => Geotech lines => Create geotech" from a previously loaded survey lines file and a geotech attributes file with format "DHid, From, To, Value1, ...". This will create a geotech lines file with format "DHid, Easting1, Northing1, Elevation1, Easting2, Northing2, Elevation2, From, To, Dip, Azimuth, Value1, ..." which is saved as a separate file and also loaded into the "Geotech" grid. The created geotech lines file can be loaded afterwards with "Ribbon => Drillhole => Geotech => Load geotech" without requiring a survey-lines file.

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