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GEM4D Version available for download

Frans Basson

Updated: Dec 15, 2019

Version contains many smaller updates from feedback after the large Version update. Some of the changes are highly useful, such as burning the scalar colours into Marker and Mapping meshes and the ability to manage scalar valuess statistically - many thanks to PS, RT, AJ, GK, KB, KdP, JD, JL, CL, GS and VV.

New functionality

  • Scalar values are now saved out to text files with "Ribbon => File => Poly info/Line info/Poly vertices". This allows for statistical calculations of the scalar values, for example after colouring meshes on distance from other meshes etc.

  • Markers and Mapping objects can now also be saved with their colours burnt into the shapes with "Ribbon => Marker /Mapping => Save and Export => Burn colours". Burning colours to the meshes and shapes create separate objects for each colour and thus very versatile for data visualization.

  • "Convert to DXF" button were added to the top toolbar "Measure (yellow tape icon)", "Marker (coloured shapes icon)" and "Mapping (coloured disks icon)" drop-down buttons. This allows direct conversion of the measure lines, markers and map-disks to DXF-objects.

  • Collars points and Survey lines can now be saved as DXF-files.

  • To unselect all cells in a grid, now just click on the top header row.

  • Multiple grid rows can now be selected with Shift and Ctrl as would be expected; a range of rows with Shift, and individual unconnected rows with Ctrl.

  • The desurvey of drillholes with "Ribbon => Drillhole => Survey lines => Create survey" now supports two methods:

  • "The balanced tangent algorithm" which is the most common algorithm used by mine design packages and the recommended method for drill-holes.

  • "The basic tangent algorithm" also called the "trenches method", and should be used when observations are represented in drill-hole format. For example; when selecting a starting point and then make observations at recorded intervals in a recorded direction, then change direction and make new observations etc.


  • DXF-files can be saved as Ascii (text) or Binary files. Both work with GEM4D, with the Binary files not human readable, but faster to save and load. Many mine design packages do not support Binary files, and Ascii-files are thus the default, but can be changed with the 'Binary files' checkbox in "Ribbon => Files/Marker/Mapping => Save => Binary files".

  • The visual-only swooping clipping is now activated with the Space-bar instead of Alt-button, as Alt clashes with switching between programs with Alt+Tab.

  • Prior to Version creating surfaces with the Delaunay2D was always done by draping a surface from vertically above. In Version that changed to a more sophisticated approach where a plane was fitted through the mesh vertices, and the draping then occurred based on the fitted plane. This worked generally well with better surface fits, but does not work with some data-sets. You now have to exercise a choice between the two options after activating the function.

  • "Ribbon => Marker => Filters => Reset all" was removed in the previous version but again included as the context menu reset by right clicking in the grid is not intuitive.

  • Some of the functions in the grid drop-down menus (activated by a right mouse click) are now hidden during filtering, as changes with these functions are only temporary and do not translate back to the main data set.

  • The Rocscience layer names were updated for their latest software versions.

Bug fixes

  • When deleting mesh triangles, the scalar colours changed - fixed.

  • When deleting mesh triangles with "Top toolbar => Arrow pick icon (last button)", the meshes should first be triangulated to allow the deletion of individual triangles. This did not always occur due to a selection switch error, and many more triangles were sometimes deleted as result - fixed.

  • When adding rows and columns to data grids, the icons and functionality were sometimes swapped between the options - fixed.

  • When attempting to colour a mesh on the distance to other meshes, GEM4D bombed out if only one mesh was loaded - fixed.

  • When a grid cell was selected, it was impossible to select a row by clicking on the first column - fixed.

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